Description Of Farz, Wajib, Sunnat And Mustahab Prayers

Definition Of Farz

Anay act which is proved by a definitely assured evidence and admits of no doubt is called Farz. An evidence of this certainty is derived either from a Qur'anic verse or from Traditions of unbroken chain of narration, which are incapable of being interpreted differently.

The Command Concerning Farz

The command about Farz is that one who acts upon it is entitled to reward and one who abandons it is entitled to punishrnent, but one who denies its obligatory nature is ared a Kafir (infidel). Farz is that part of an action that violation violates the entire action. It is an element in an
n whose validity or invalidity validates or invalidates whole action.

The Definition Of Wajib

Wajib (essential or compulsory) is something which is based on a conjectural evidence derived from Traditions of broken chain of narration ). It carries less than Farz. Similarly, the punishment of denying it is also less than that denying of Farz. Neglecting to discharge this duty involves a repulsion which borders on prohibition ). The action, in which Wajib is ignored, s void and it must be repeated as an obligation.

The Command Concerning Wajib

The denier of Wajib is a sinner and errant person. It is a which proves the existence of something, but its does not prove the non-existence of that thing. Is why the denier of Wajib is not charged with disbelief.

The Definition Of Sunnat

That action or practice of the Faith which is proved by - ce of the Holy Prophet . It is neither Farz nor One who acts upon it is en-titled to reward and one who abandons it is liable to punishment and censure and there is a danger of his being deprived of the intercession of the Holy Prophet .

The Command Concerning Sunnat

Its denier is an innovator and sinner. If one considers it insignificant and is insulting towards it then one shall become an unbeliever. To abandon it involves slight repulsion.

The Definition Of Mustahab (Desirable)

Mustahab (desirable) is an action which the Holy Prophet has himself practised from time to time and has said that it carries reward, provided that it is a form of worship and not an action of ordinary habit.

The Command Concerning Mustahab

Its denier is neither an unbeliever nor a sinner, but one who acts upon it is entitled to reward and superiority. One who abandons it is deprived of great reward and virtue.

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