The Time Etiquettes, Number of Rak`ats And Method of Tahajjud Prayer

It occurs in a Tradition:
(1) The Tahajjud prayer is the best prayer after the Farz Prayers which is offered in the last part of the night.

(2) It is better to offer all the prayers in one's have with the exception of the Farz prayer. It is, therefore, better to offer the Tahajjud prayer in one's house.

 (3) The night prayers are offered in two-two Rak`ats. The Tahajjud prayer should also be offered in two-two Rak`ats. Some narratives mention "day" also (but the correct position is that it is among the night optional prayers).

 (4) The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) used to perform ablution and apply the Miswak while standing. He would then offer eleven Rak`ats. On hearing Hazrat Bilal's (R.A) Azan He (P.B.U.H) would offer offer the two Rak`ats of Sunnah and go out of his room to the mosque to conduct the Fajr congregation. (This was his common practice).

 (5) Sometimes at nights He (P.B.U.H) would offer thirteen Rak`ats, out of which he would offer eight Rak`ats by two -two as his usual practice. He would offer five Raleats of Witr including two Nafl and three witr prayers. To bid the concluding Salam He would sit only in the last Rak`at.

(6) Sometimes He (P.B.U.H) offered at nights eleven Rak`ats, such that by combining one Raleat with the last two Rak`ats, he would convert them into Witr.

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